National Internship Opportunities
Listed here are several opportunities for summer research, internships or work related
to the field of Atmospheric Sciences around the country. These are great ways to gain
valuable experience, learn in real-life situations, establish networking connections
with other professionals and students, and enjoy yourself in the field!
Photo: BS Candidate Brian Blaylock in front of the DC-8 before the first flight during
his Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) internship.
National Weather Service - Student Employment Programs
NWS - Student Employment Programs
The National Weather Service provides information on opportunities for internships available to current students as well as recent graduates. It also offers a Presidential Management Fellows Program for those pursuing advanced degrees and various unpaid volunteer opportunities to those looking to explore various career options.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA - Student Opportunities
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides opportunites to students of all ages, ranging from grade school all the way through Graduate and Postdoc status. They also provide a large variation of opportunites from summer camps and events to internships, fellowships, and scholarships. Some of these opportunities can be interdisciplinary and paired with other areas of environmental study.
American Meteorological Society - Intern Board
AMS - Intern Board
The American Meteorological Society provides a database of possible or available internships across the country and sometimes even in locations outside of the United States, such as Canada, the Caribbean, or Pacific Islands. Check back occasionally for new postings of additional internship opportunities.
American Geosciences Institute
AGI Geoscience & Public Policy Internships
AGI Geoscience Policy offers summer and semester internship opportunities for geoscience students (undergraduates and Masters students) with an interest in public policy and in how Washington impacts the geoscience community. Interns gain a first-hand understanding of the legislative process and the operation of executive branch agencies. They also hone writing, research, and web publishing skills.
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Hobart & William Smith Program Overview
Each summer several research internships are available for undergraduate students to conduct mesoscale and climatological research projects using a variety of meteorological data sets. Accepted students conduct research investigations in close collaboration with Dr. Neil Laird and other visiting scientists during an 8-week summer program at Hobart & William Smith Colleges.
National Center for Atmospheric Research
The SIParCS Program
Each summer several research internships are available for undergraduate students to conduct mesoscale and climatological research projects using a variety of meteorological data sets. Accepted students conduct research investigations in close collaboration with Dr. Neil Laird and other visiting scientists during an 8-week summer program at Hobart & William Smith Colleges.
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Mosaics in Science Internship Program
The Mosaics in Science (MIS) Diversity Internship Program provides college students and recent graduates 18-35 years old that are under-represented in STEM career fields with on-the-ground, natural resource science-based, work experience in the National Park System. Each internship includes working eleven weeks in a park followed by a four day career workshop held in Washington, D.C. (as stated by Mosaics in Science).
Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change
Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change
The Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change (FPL) is sponsored and managed by the National Park Service (NPS) and the University of Washington College of the Environment. The FPL program supports paid internships to address resource management issues arising from global drivers of environmental change in national parks (as stated by FPL).
National Science Foundation
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
NSF funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project and are granted stipends and assistance with housing and travel. To inquire about possible funding opportunities, please contact the organizations that have received awards. (Do not contact NSF.)
Student Airborne Research Program by National Suborbital Education and Research Center
SARP Program Overview
Students will work in multi-disciplinary teams to study surface, atmospheric, and oceanographic processes. Participants will fly onboard the NASA DC-8 and assist in the operation of instruments to sample and measure atmospheric gases and to image land and water surfaces in multiple spectral bands. Along with airborne data collection, students will participate in taking measurements at field sites. Each student will complete an individual research project from the data collected.
Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program
NREIP Program Overview
The Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program provides an opportunity for students to participate in research at a Department of Navy laboratory during the summer. The goals of NREIP are to encourage participating students to pursue science and engineering careers, to further education via mentoring by laboratory personnel and their participation in research, and to make them aware of DoN research and technology efforts, which can lead to employment within DoN.
Pathways for Students & Recent Graduates to Federal Careers
Pathways Program Overview
This Program is designed to provide students enrolled in a wide variety of educational institutions, from high school to graduate level, with opportunities to work in agencies and explore Federal careers while still in school and while getting paid for the work performed. Students who successfully complete the program may be eligible for conversion to a permanent job in the civil service.
Pathways to Science by IBP
Opportunities from Pathways to Science
Pathways to Science supports pathways to the STEM fields: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We place particular emphasis on connecting underrepresented groups with STEM programs, funding, mentoring and resources. Sponsored by the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP).
SOARS at UCAR Program Overview
Each summer, SOARS protégés spend ten weeks conducting original research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) or at laboratories of other SOARS sponsors. By the end of the summer, protégés will prepare scientific papers and present their research at a colloquium. SOARS protégés can participate for up to four summers so that they can explore the breadth of geoscience and transition smoothly into graduate school.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
EPA Internships, Fellowships & Opportunities
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has various opportunities for internships and fellowships, both paid and unpaid. Paid internships vary from being sponsored by the EPA or by other organizations. The EPA also gives a beneficial outline of the internship process and how to find one that best fits your interests.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
DOE Program Overview
As a participant in the DOE Scholars Program, you will have a competitive edge for familiarizing yourself with DOE functions while showcasing your education, talent, and skills. Appointments are available in a variety of disciplines at participating DOE facilities nationwide. The DOE Scholars Program presents you with the opportunity to explore a federal career with DOE at various stages in your education.
Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System Research at Princeton University
CIMES Internship Program
Our summer internship program in earth system and climate sciences is currently open at Princeton University, providing opportunities for students to work with scientists in the NOAA-GFDL laboratory as part of the Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System. Students will work on a focused scientific problem under the close supervision of their GFDL host, and benefit from resources and activities at GFDL, including interaction with scientists and graduate students, access to high performance computing and library facilities, and opportunities to participate in a wide range of seminars and lab social events.
NOAA - Hollings Scholars
Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is accepting applications for its 2019 Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program. It provides scholarships for two years of undergraduate study with a paid internship at a NOAA facility during the interim summer session. A stipend and a housing allowance are provided. Applicants must be U.S. citizens enrolled full time at an accredited college or university. Applicants must have a declared major relevant to NOAA's mission, and must earn and maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
NWS - NCEP Summer Student Internship Program
The National Weather Service's National Centers for Environmental Prediction is offering up to 10 paid internships targeted towards current second- and third-year undergraduate and enrolled graduate students. Internship work will relate to areas that will meet the future needs of the ever-broadening weather-climate-water user community. Students majoring in mathematics, physics, meteorology, atmospheric and climate science, computer science, engineering and social science are welcome to apply.
Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
Idaho National Laboratory Internship Program
As a Department of Energy facility, INL offers a diverse number of paid internship positions to high school, undergraduate and graduate level students. These internship opportunities enable students to collaborate with experienced scientists and engineers in order to develop innovative solutions to challenging, real-world projects (as stated by INL).
Boston University
Boston University Summer Study Internship Program
Enjoy a unique and rewarding summer through the Summer Study Internship Program. Gain professional experience as you complete relevant academic coursework and enjoy beautiful Boston with fellow interns from across the country. The program offers opportunities in various disciplines, including Communication & Creative Media, Computer Science & Applied Mathematics, and Politics, Public Policy & Law.