ATMOS Students in Argentina
A few graduate students from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Utah spent some time in Argentina taking part in the RELAMPAGO-CACTI field campaign. The following photos and captions show a little bit about their field experiences.

U of U ATMOS Graduate Students in front of the DOW: (left to right) Mani Rajagopal, Tom Gowan, McKenna Stanford, Zhixiao Zhang

The Doppler on Wheels (DOW) is shown in front of an approaching storm.

The DOE observing site at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, on the east slopes of the Sierras de Cordobas mountain range. In view are a wind profiler (left), numerous instrument trailers, the C-band radar (CSAPR-2_ and antennas for the X- and Ka band radars.
Dopper On Wheels on the flat terrain east of the Sierras de Cordobas mountain range as the leading edge of a convective storm or squall line cloud passes overhead.
Large group of students and experimenters on site near Cordoba, Argentina, on one of the DOWs (Doppler radar On Wheels) that was used throughout the experiment to get close to severe storms as they developed and moved. The field campaign was a cooperative effort between DOE-funded CACTI and NSF-funded RELAMPAGO. This region is now well-known as the location of some of the most severe thunderstorms on the planet. Our students participated in this program in Nov-Dec 2018.
RELAMPAGO field campaign:
CACTI field campaign: