ATMOS Department Receives Campbell Scientific Grant

ATMOS 5050 students tour the Campbell Scientific Headquarters and view instruments set up for testing in February 2019.
The University of Utah Department of Atmospheric Sciences was one of two Universities
nationwide selected to receive the 2019 Campbell Scientific IMAGINE Grant, which provides
instruments for the education of students in hands-on, interactive classes that focus
on teaching about sensors, instruments, and how measurements are made.
This year, new sensors obtained through the IMAGINE Grant will enhance the laboratory
experience for students from atmospheric science and a number of other fields within
the University of Utah community with the addition of new instrumentation technology
in the classroom, including data loggers, solar, air temperature, soil, and water
sensors. These instruments are used extensively in the ATMOS 5050/6050: Environmental
Instrumentation classes, which has been in high demand for the past few semesters.
To learn more about our department's selection and the IMAGINE Grant, check out the
website from Campbell Scientific:
Thank you Campbell Scientific for your generosity in providing the IMAGINE Grant and for selecting our department to aid in the education and hands-on experience of our students!