Brian Blaylock Visits 6th Grade Class
One of the Department's Ph.D students, Brian Blaylock, visited a 6th grade class in
American Fork, Utah to talk about and present some
information about the weather. With the recent addition of teaching weather to the
6th grade science curriculum, Brian's visit was a great addition to this class's study
of the weather and climate.
The most exciting part, in Brian's opinion, was the demonstration of the windsonde
instrument outside. A windsonde is an instrument that is attached to weather balloons
and measures meteorological variables, such as temperature, relative humidity, altitude,
etc. He asked one of the students to "be a weather balloon" and run with the windsonde
to the other side of the field. Then he and the rest of the students watched the temperature
change on the computer. Brian thought that the student with the windsonde would run
straight to the end of the field and then back. But as you can see through the graphs,
the student was running all over the place.
Overall, the 6th Grade students really enjoyed Brian's visit and Brian was happy to share his passion for the weather and climate as these students continue learning more about the weather in class.