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Andy Lambert



Professional interest

I received a Bachelor of Science in atmospheric sciences from the University of Utah in 2018. I initially started my undergraduate career with a strong interest in meteorology and forecasting. I worked in the student-run Ute Weather Center as a programmer and chief meteorologist. My interests shifted toward climatology, though, as I took various climate, radiation, and remote sensing courses. In my junior year, I joined Professor Gannet Hallar’s aerosol research group where I began research involving air chemistry and cloud microphysics. During my time as an undergraduate student, I researched dust in the Intermountain West where I applied my experience in synoptic meteorology to aerosol research. I developed a climatology surrounding dust events and identified potential source regions. I will continue my research at the University of Utah as a graduate student in Dr. Gannet Hallar’s group. I am also participating as a member of the Alta dust-on-snow pilot study working with Dr. McKenzie Skiles from the University of Utah Geography Department and the University’s Society, Water and Climate research cluster.

andy lambert

About me

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, but spent some of my early childhood years in Boise, Idaho before my family returned to Salt Lake. I have been married for nearly three years now and am the proud owner of an Australian cattle dog/Pomchi mix. The majority of my hobbies revolve around the weather, basketball, and food.

Research Areas

  • Air Quality
  • Climate
  • Radiation



Bachelor of Science
Master of Science


University of Utah
University of Utah


Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
Last Updated: 1/6/25