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AMSG Strategic Planning Workshop

Held at the Cleone Peterson Eccles Alumni House located on the campus of the University of Utah
Hosted by Gannet Hallar, July 9 -10, 2024

Goal of Strategic Planning Workshop

The focus of this workshop reflects the AMSG’s focus in recent years on building external relationships between ARM and strategic partners that will contribute to the success of ARM to fulfill its mission of improving process representations and predictability in climate models.  Sessions held during the workshop range from interfacing with external sampling networks and modeling communities to identify core and new aerosol measurements, and provide a clear presentation of measurement uncertainties, calibration protocols, and data products.

Aerosol Measurement Science Group (AMSG)

Organizational Structure

The AMSG reports to ARM Technical Director and is made up of experts from across ARM and the atmospheric science community.

ARMTechnical Director: Jim Mather

Current AMSG members include:

  • Gannet Hallar, AMSG C0-Chair
  • Tim Onasch, AMSG Co-Chair
  • Jerome Fast, Science Representative
  • Chongai Kuang, ARM instrument Mentor
  • Olga Mayol-Bracero, Science Representative
  • Rich Moore, Science Representative
  • Markus Petters, Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Aerosol Processes Working Group Co-Chair
  • Nicole Riemer, Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Aerosol Processes Working Group Co-Chair
  • Lynn Russell, Science Representative
  • John Schilling, ARM Aerosol Data Translator
  • Jim Smith, Science Representative
  • Alyssa Sockol, ARM Data Quality Office
  • Adam Theisen, ARM Instrument Operations Manager
  • Damao Zhang, ARM Instrument Mentor
Last Updated: 10/11/24