Kevin Perry, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Atmospheric Sciences
Chairman, Atmospheric Sciences
Undergraduate Director, Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
University of Utah
135 S 1460 East Rm 819 (WBB)
Salt Lake City, Ut 84112-0110
Office: 819 WBB
Office Phone: (801) 581-6138
1995 Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington
1990 B.S. Meteorology Iowa State University
Selected Publications:
Continental aerosol dominance above the marine boundary layer in the eastern North
Pacific: Continuous aerosol measurements from the 2002 Intercontinental and Chemical
Transformation Experiment (ITCT2K2) (Journal Article), 2005
Analysis of Aerosols from the World Trade Center Collapse Site, New York, October
2 to October 30, 2001 (Journal Article), 2004
Evidence for hygroscopic mineral dust particles from the Intercontinental Transport
and Chemical Transformation Experiment (Journal Article), 2004
In situ aerosol profiles over the Southern Great Plains cloud and radiation test bed
site: 2. Effects of mixing height on aerosol properties (Journal Article), 2004
Surface ocean-lower atmosphere interactions in the Northeast Pacific Ocean Gyre: Aerosols,
iron, and the ecosystem response (Journal Article), 2003
Research Keywords, Regions of Interest and Languages:
Keywords: Air Pollution (3); Atmospheric Aerosols; Long-Range Transport; Mercury Transport and Deposition (2); Mineral Dust; Source Apportionment; X-ray Fluorescence Analysis
Regions: North America (30); Asia (12); Africa (11)
Courses I Teach
ATMOS 1010 Severe and Unusual Weather
ATMOS 3410 Meteorological Instrumentation and Computing
2006 Early Career Teaching Award (2005-2006) - University of Utah