Jim Steenburgh, Ph.D.
Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
University of Utah
135 S 1460 East Rm 819 (WBB)
Salt Lake City, Ut 84112-0110
Office: 819 WBB
Office Phone: (801) 581-8727
Email: jim.steenburgh@utah.edu
>> Curriculum Vitae
1995 Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington
1989 B.S. Meteorology The Pennsylvania State University
Selected Publications:
Bridging the gap between operations and research to improve weather prediction in
mountainous regions (Book Section), 2012
Mountain weather prediction: Phenomenological challenges and forecast methodology
(Book Section), 2012
Episodic dust events of Utah's Wasatch Front and adjoining region (Journal Article),
Great Salt Lake-effect precipitation: Observed frequency, characteristics, and associated
environmental factors (Journal Article), 2012
Quantifying the role of atmospheric rivers in the interior western United States (Journal
Article), 2012
Influences of the Sierra Nevada on Intermountain cold-front evolution (Journal Article),
Life cycle and mesoscale frontal structure of an Intermountain cyclone (Journal Article),
Multi-reanalysis climatology of Intermountain Cyclones (Journal Article), 2010
Snow-to-liquid ratio variability and prediction at a high elevation site in Utah's
Wasatch Mountains (Journal Article), 2010
Discrete frontal propagation over the Sierra-Cascade Mountains and Intermountain West
(Journal Article), 2009
Climatology of strong Intermountain cold fronts (Journal Article), 2008
Secrets of the "Greatest Snow on Earth" (Journal Article), 2008
Models as educational tools (Journal Article), 2007
Spurious grid-scale precipitation in the North American Regional Reanalysis (Journal
Article), 2007
Strengths and weaknesses of MOS, running-mean bias removal, and Kalman filter techniques
for improving model forecasts over the western U.S. (Journal Article), 2007
Terrain influences on synoptic storm structure and mesoscale precipitation distribution
during IPEX IOP3 (Journal Article), 2006
Can carbon dioxide be used as a tracer of urban atmospheric transport? (Journal Article),
Evaluation of surface sensible weather forecasts by the WRF and Eta models over the
western United States (Journal Article), 2005
High resolution simulations and microphysical validation of an orographic precipitation
event over the Wasatch Mountains during IPEX IOP3 (Journal Article), 2005
Model forecast improvements with decreased horizontal grid spacing over fine-scale
Intermountain orography during the 2002 Olympic Winter Games (Journal Article), 2005
The kinematic structure of a Wasatch Mountain winter storm during IPEX IOP3 (Journal
Article), 2005
An evaluation of mesoscale-model-based model output statistics (MOS) during the 2002
Ollympic and Paralympic Winter Games (Journal Article), 2004
Intermountain winter storm evolution during a 100-inch storm cycle (Journal Article),
One hundred inches in one hundred hours: The complex evolution of an Intermountain
winter storm cycle (Journal Article), 2004
One hundred inches in one hundred hours: Evolution of a Wasatch Mountain Winter Storm
Cycle (Journal Article), 2003
A climatological study of thermally driven wind systems of the U.S. Intermountain
West (Journal Article), 2002
Understanding Utah winter storms: The Intermountain Precipitation Experiment (Journal
Article), 2002
Using real-time mesoscale modeling in undergraduate education (Journal Article),
Weather support for the 2002 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games (Journal Article),
Diagnostic and sensitivity studies of the 7 December 1998 Great Salt Lake-effect snowstorm
(Journal Article), 2001
Multiscale analysis of the 7 December 1998 Great Salt Lake-effect snowstorm (Journal
Article), 2001
Topograhic distortion of a cold front over the Snake River Plain and central Idaho
Mountains (Journal Article), 2001
An observational and numerical study of an orographically trapped wind reversal along
the west coast of the U.S. (Journal Article), 2000
Climatology of lake-effect snowstorms of the Great Salt Lake (Journal Article), 2000
Short-term forecast validation of six models (Journal Article), 1999
The formation of a forward-tilting cold front with multiple cloud bands during Superstorm
1993 (Journal Article), 1999
The structure and evolution of gap outflow over the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico (Journal
Article), 1998
The influence of terrain-induced circulations on wintertime temperature and snow level
in the Washington Cascades (Journal Article), 1997
Interaction of an intense extratropical cyclone with coastal orography (Journal Article),
The structure and evolution of a simulated Rocky Mountain lee trough (Journal Article),
On the interpretation of geopotential height tendency equations (Journal Article),
Diurnal surface-pressure variations over the continental United States and the influence
of sea level reduction (Journal Article), 1991
Research Statement
My research group examines the weather and climate of the western United States and other mountainous regions of the world, with emphasis on orographic and lake-effect precipitation, front-mountain interactions, and weather analysis and forecasting. The overarching goal of our work, which is supported by the National Science Foundation and NOAA/National Weather Service, is to improve weather and climate prediction over areas of complex terrain.
Research Keywords, Regions of Interest and Languages:
Keywords: Weather Analysis and Forecasting; Mountain Weather and Climate (4)
Courses I Teach
ATMOS 3010 Weather ForecastingATMOS 5010 Weather ForecastingATMOS 5110 Synoptic-Dynamic
Meteorology I
ATMOS 5210 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology II
ATMOS 5120 Weather Discussion
ATMOS 6110 Synoptic Meteorology I
ATMOS 6120 Synoptic Meteorology II
ATMOS 6210 Weather Discussion
2002 Outstanding Service Award - National Weather Service
( for outstand ing service to the weather support group for the 2002 Olympic Winter
Games )
2001 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award - College of Mines and Earth Sciences
Favorite Quote:
"Did you ever wonder what would happen if it started snowing and never stopped?"
- Steve Casimiro